My Baby This Week — Your 7-Month-Old, First Week

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Hello LIUDI!
7-Month-Old, First Week

Has your baby turned into a bouncy ball? Bouncing is great fun for him now he’s starting to support his weight on his legs. He can probably sit unsupported, too, which frees up his hands for exploring. You may notice him reaching for things and scooping them up with one hand. You can encourage his independence and new skills by placing a toy just out of his reach. After a few tries, he’ll be able to lean forward to grab it and then straighten himself again. You may also notice him turning things round to find out what they look like upside down or sideways. And, of course, he’ll wonder what everything tastes like, too.

Why does your baby love playing the same game over and over again? Find out about your seven month old


7个月零6天了,早上给她测量:体重 9.8公斤(穿厚衣服,饭后),身高 74厘米,头围 44厘米。两颗小牙牙全部露头了。健康,快乐的小胖宝宝。

7-Month-Old, First Week

BabyCenter Australia - The most complete online resource for new and expectant parents

7-Month-Old, First Week

7-Month-Old, First Week


How your baby’s growing

It’s happening already…your baby is showing the first signs of independence. Soon he’ll be able to sit well without support and may even begin crawling (or bottom shuffling). With this new independence come the inevitable bumps and falls of childhood. No matter how carefully you childproof, he’s bound to bang his elbows or knees someday, so don’t get too upset when it happens.

On the emotional front, your baby’s feelings are becoming more apparent. He may blow a kiss to familiar people and repeat an act if applauded. As he continues to grow, he’ll learn to assess and imitate moods, becoming more empathetic.

If you’re at home, you may miss the company work gives. But unless you live in a truly isolated area, befriending other new parents is easier than you might think. Making new friends is a lot like dating (remember that?), so don’t be shy — most new mums will be just as eager to make contact as you are.

Parent tip: Saying goodnight

"At night we walk our seven-month-old around the house and say goodnight to all the different items. This not only settles her down, but also helps her language development." — Jennifer

Share your tips!

Find out about teething — if it hasn’t started yet, it will soon!

It’s an idea to get on your hands and knees to check for safety hazards from your baby’s perspective. It won’t be long before he begins to cruise round the furniture.

测量荳荳 2011-09-24

身高:>73cm毛重:9.4~9.5 kg